Saturday, November 7, 2009

West Sumatra Quake-victims Expelled Missionaries

Christian missionaries are using the flag of the True and the NGO Samaritan Partners. hendri, as the coordinator of the NGO's, claims to be a Sikumbang Minang's person. NGO that distributes the 180 of the Bible and invites people to convert to Christianity on Tuesday (27/10/2009). "They caught by us. We burn his Bible and some of us give to the police, "said Muslim.

As we know, Rumbai is an isolated area and moslem population at there. The population approximately 1800 people.  Several NGOs are active Christians and is targeting the area to Christianity after the earthquake disaster in west sumatra last month.

According to the earthquake victims to volunteer of HTI (Hizb-ut-Tahrir Indonesia), several modes do than to conversions to Christianity which share the Bible, as below:
1. build an emotional bond with the community through logistical support, medicines and building planning homes;
2. Approaching people individually and led prayer and then given money amounting to Rp 10.000 to Rp 100. 000
3. Through hypnosis then baptized;
4. giving injections to children who are not sick forcibly quiet place and then wrote a new Christianized;
5. provoke the children who do not pray 5 by giving fruit brown , and prayer was given 1 chocolate.

Koto Tinggi residents hope the All Muslims in the world to help them better logistical needs such as food and medicine. More than that citizens be advised to keep some of their doctrinal camps by helping to strengthen them in this aqeedah. "So we are not easily influenced by people who want to destroy our doctrinal camps," said Burhan, local community leaders.

Muslim west Sumatran earthquake victims are still needed attention, material support and mental recovery. All the help that they expect from other Muslims, not from others. [] Ardi Muluk edited by bedjo

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